Web Site Management

Web Site Management
This recommended practice provides guidance for designing and implementing well-engineered Web pagesfor use in managed Web sites. The goal of this recommended practice is to improve the productivity of man-aged Web operations in terms of:a) locating relevant information,b) facilitating ease of use,c) reducing legal liabilities, andd) providing for efficient development and maintenance practices.This recommended practice will focus on vendor- and product-independent considerations.This recommended practice provides guidance for persons designing and developing Web pages, and man-agers responsible for establishing guidelines for Web site development. ScopeThis document defines recommended practices for World Wide Web page engineering for Intranet andExtranet environments, based on World Wide Web Consortium (W3C®) and related industry guidelines.This recommended practice does not address stylistic considerations or human-factors considerations inWeb page design beyond limitations that reflect good engineering practice. Annex B contains topics whichare not sufficiently mature or where there are not specific recommendations for inclusion in the current issueof this recommended practice.PurposeThis recommended practice is intended to provide guidance to Web page developers in Intranet (organiza-tional internal), and Extranet (amongst a limited domain of organizational participants) Web environmentson recommended practices for Web page engineering. The objective is to improve the productivity of Intra-net/Extranet Web operations in terms of locating relevant information, and efficient development and main-tenance practices. The 2002 revision of this recommended practice addresses items identified in Annex A of IEEE Std 2001-1999 [B14]1 which can be well-defined and to respond to emerging technology and changes in practice thathave resulted in new material or changes to approved recommendations. Conformance to this recommendedpractice in developing and publishing a Web site provides a basis for a well-engineered Web site.

Web Site Management

This recommended practice defines two forms of conformance: “IEEE Std 2001-2002-conforming Webpage” and “IEEE Std 2001-2002-conforming Web page generation tool.” Throughout this recommendedpractice, the use of the verb shall indicates a requirement of the standard; the use of the verb should indicatesa recommendation; and the use of the verb may indicates an option or variation that is permitted by the rec-ommended practice. Although users of this recommended practice are strongly encouraged to consider therecommendations made within, the implementation of recommendations is not a requirement of Web pageconformance.1.3.1 IEEE Std 2001-2002-conforming Web page A conforming Web page implements all the requirements of this recommended practice. A Web page thatconforms to this recommended practice may indicate this by the use of the following tag:<span class="IEEEstd2001"><a href= "http://dx.doi.org/10.1041/standard/2001/2002/logo/use"<img src= "http://dx.doi.org/10.1041/standard/2001/2002/logo" alt="IEEE Computer Society Best Practices axV2 Logo"width="80" height="40" /></a></span>NOTE—The HTML Reference Designator (HREF value will change with each version of this recommended practice.Tools should use the HREF value to determine the version of the standard being used.The image file may be downloaded and referenced using relative Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), butthe target HTML file must be referenced by an absolute URI.Consistent with 4.1.10 of this recommended practice, a meta statement indicating conformance to this rec-ommended practice may be included. This statement is: "<meta name="guideline" content="computer.org/2001/2002" />



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