Estimating Taxi Demand-Supply Level using TaxiTrajectory Data Stream

Estimating Taxi Demand-Supply Level using Taxi Trajectory Data Stream Taxis provide a flexible and indispensable service to satisfy the urban travel demand of public commuters. Un- derstanding taxi supply and commuter demand, especially the imbalance between the supply and the demand, would directly help to improve the quality of taxi service and eventually increase a city’s traffic system efficiency. In this paper, we consider the taxi demand from a region during a period of time to include two parts: satisfied demand, i.e., passengers successfully receive taxi service during this period of time, and unmet demand, i.e., passengers are still waiting for taxi service. To properly estimate the demand-supply level (short for “the level of the taxi demand vs. supply imbalance”), we propose a novel indicator that reflects how fast an available taxi is taken in any given region. Accordingly, we desig...